Home page will give you a summarized view of all the assignments in progress, deadlines, and work history stats.
- Statistics
- Assignments in Progress
- Activity and Timeline
- Ongoing Assignments: Number of assignments that you have accepted to work on but have not submitted yet
- Completed Assignments: Number of assignments you have successfully submitted
- Total Earnings: Sum of pay amount of assignments with status Approved.
- Quality Score: Average of all feedback scored given by our reviewers on your assignment.
Assignments in Progress
This section is divided in to three boards:
- New Requests: Pending assignment requests that you need to acknowledge
- Resume Creating: Assignments accepted by you that are pending for submission
- Rework Requests: Assignments that you have submitted previously but requires some revision
Activity and Timeline
- Working Activity: Heuristic data of requests and completed assignments week by week.
- Timeline: List of actions on assignments in chronological order with timestamp
Here is a video to help you learn it visually